With all the families we work with, we come across a lot of useful phone apps for parents. Here we share a list of some you might find handy. Note: we do not endorse any of the apps listed.

If you have a favourite baby-related app, share it on our forum!

GP = Google Play Market (Android) | AP = Apple App Store | B = Available via each marketplace

Log, chart and share daily information about your baby’s activity – track feeding, sleeping, nappy changes and more.

Baby Connect [B] A very comprehensive tracker that allows for multiple users to input your baby’s activity, such as childminders, grandparents, etc.

Baby Daychart [GP] A full-featured tracker that allows you to share your baby updates on social media or via email.

iBaby [GP] A simple tracker featuring fun icons as well as baby physical and mental development information.

Milk Monitor [AP] A very popular baby tracker, easy to use with a cute interface.

The apps below can help to entertain and/or distract your little ones.

My baby piano [GP] Brightly coloured keys labelled with each note’s name plays the corresponding note when touched by baby.

Baby Piano [AP] This piano app is one of several iPhone instrument apps by Reflex Candy. Also available is a flute, harp, xylophone and bongo.

My Baby Drums [GP] Colourful discs create different drum beats and sounds when touched.

Baby-Drums [AP] Images of drum, cymbals, pots and pans make the corresponding sounds when touched.

Web Child [AP] The latest information about what’s on for families in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney, by

Webchild. Event categories range from art to science and everything in between. You can also shake your phone to come up with surprise suggestions in your area.

Baby Bus series [B] Baby Bus has created a wide range of apps to entertain and educate babies and children up to 6. Your child can have fun while learning shapes, numbers, music,science and more, or just have some fun with the colours and sounds.

Baby Karaoke [AP] By Australia’s Raising Children Network, this app features traditional nursery rhymes as well as newer songs, complete with animated music videos featuring the words. If you don’t have an iPhone, it’s also available on the website.


Whitenoise [B] Choose from a wide range of whitenoise sounds to help settle your baby. Sounds include beach, rainforest, fan and many more.


Wonder Weeks [AP] Based on predictable mental leaps, this app can tell parents when they might expect their baby to be fussier than usual while undergoing these changes. It also explains what new skills your baby will develop after making each leap.

What to Expect – Baby [B] From the What to Expect when you’re Expecting stable, this app is a tracker and also provides practical advice, game and activity suggestions and a mon-by-month baby development guide.

My Baby Today – Baby Centre [AP] A personalised calendar of your baby’s development, with daily advice, tips, checklist items suggested activities for you and your baby and more.


My Smart Hands [GP] American Sign Language dictionary featuring a selection of common words, with an instructor showing how to sign each one.

Baby Sign and Learn [B] Also an American Sign Language dictionary, but the words are shown by animated babies instead of an adult instructor.